Videos Mon, 20 May 2024 01:32:28 +0700 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management en-gb UNIT 15: A BIG GREY ONE
Steve and Anne explore the park.

ANNE: Look at this big grey one
STEVE: He’s massive. He has very, very strong arms and legs.
ANNE: And a big strong tail.
STEVE: Yeah. And ears. Very big ears
ANNE: His fur looks very soft.
STEVE: It feels soft on my hand
ANNE: It’s got beautiful big brown eyes.
They walk around.
ANNE: Oh, look at that little black and white one.
STEVE: Oh yeah. I think that’s a willy wagtail. They’re very fast and they move around a lot.
ANNE: It’s cute. It’s got such a long tail. Oh, look at that bird!
STEVE: Oh, that’s a kingfisher
ANNE: Oh, we have them in Singapore
STEVE: Really?
ANNE: Hmm. Look at its beautiful blue back.
STEVE: Very colourful, isn’t it? There’s lots in Australia. Big ones and small ones. We have a very big one called a kookaburra. It has a very interesting laugh.
Anne cuddles a koala.
ANNE: He’s so soft and cuddly.
STEVE: Yeah, like me!
STEVE: They’ve actually also got really sharp claws. See?
ANNE: He’s so cute! Can I take him home?
STEVE: I don’t think they’d be very happy about that.
Anne has a moment of sadness.
STEVE: Oh, look at that one. What’s the matter?
ANNE: Nothing… I’m just feeling a bit homesick.
STEVE: Come on, let’s go and get something to eat.
]]> (tanchi) Videos Tue, 15 May 2018 10:55:52 +0700
Anne and Steve are buying tickets. Steve pays for the tickets and gives her one.

Steve: Two, please. And a bag of food.
Shop assistant: There are your tickets. Have a nice day
Anne: How much do I owe you?
Steve: That’s okay. It’s my treat.
Anne: Thankyou. I’ll buy lunch. Is there somewhere to have lunch?
Steve: Of course. There’s a café just over there. What do you want to do first?
Anne: I really want to hold a koala. Is there a koala here?
Steve: Yes! It’s the most popular animal! We might have to queue though.
Anne: I don’t mind. What else is there? Are there some kangaroos?
Steve: Of course. There are lots.
Anne: And birds? I’ve heard Australian birds are amazing.
Steve: Don’t worry. You’ll get to see lots of birds.
Anne: What shall we do first?
Steve: Well, the kangaroos are just over there. And I think the birds are next, and next…
Anne: …we’ll cuddle a koala!
Steve: Sure! And after that?
Anne: After that, I’ll buy you lunch.
Steve: It’s a deal!
They head off into the park.
]]> (tanchi) Videos Mon, 24 Jul 2017 13:35:44 +0700
- Nervous (adj.): anxious about something or afraid of something
- Fiddle (v): to keep touching or moving something with your hands especially because you are bored or nervous.
- Wonder (v): to think about something and try to decide what is true, what will happen, what you should do, …etc
- Wildlife (n): animals, birds, insects, ..etc that are wild and live in a nature environment
- Zoo (n): a place where many kinds of wild animals that are kept for the public to see and where they are studied, bred and protected.
- Foyer (n): a large open space inside the entrance of a hotel or a theatre wher people can meet or wait.

 STEVE makes a date with ANNE. He is nervously fiddling with the phone. He starts ringing, then puts it down, then rings again. At the hotel, the clerk  answers the phone.

CLERK: Medina Hotel. Marie speaking. How may I help you?
STEVE : Can I speak to Ms Anne Lee, please? I’m not sure what room she’s in.
The clerk puts the call through.
CLERK: I’ll put you through, sir.
In her room, ANNE is looking through some wine catalogues. The phone rings.
STEVE: Hello. Anne? This is Steve Parker.
ANNE: (puzzled) Steve Parker?
STEVE: Steve... Sarah’s brother. We met...
ANNE: (surprised, but pleased) Oh, Steve! Hello Steve.
STEVE: Hi. What are you doing?
ANNE: Oh, working. I’m planning a trip to the wineries later in the week.
STEVE: Oh. When are you going?
ANNE : Ah,Wednesday.
STEVE:Oh, good. What are you doing tomorrow?
ANNE: Nothing. Why?
STEVE : Well, I have the day off, and I was just wondering... Well, I was just wondering whether you wanted to go to a wildlife park... with me. You said you’d like to go to the zoo.
ANNE: That’s right, I did. Yes, thank you, Steve. I’d love to go.
STEVE: Alright! I’ll meet you in the foyer. Ten o’clock?
ANNE : Okay, ten. I’ll see you then.
STEVE: Great! Good night Anne.
ANNE: Good night, Steve.
She hangs up, pleased.
]]> (tanchi) Videos Wed, 03 Apr 2013 21:41:15 +0700
Space (n): Room (no plural)
Igloo (n):  a house built by the Inuit (Eskimos) made from blocks of hard snow
Steve, Anne, Mark, Sarah and Louise have lunch and talk about differences).

STEVE: So Anne, have you been to an Australian home before?
ANNE:  No, never. It's a beautiful home, Sarah. So big! The rooms are much bigger than at home. There's more space here.
STEVE: Do you live in a house?
MARK: No Steve – she lives in an igloo.
ANNE: Actually, no. We live in an apartment. Most people do. Singapore is much busier than Adelaide, and more crowded.
STEVE: Yeah! and more exciting. It's so boring here.
SARAH: It's quieter. Some people like that.
ANNE: I don't think it's boring.
MARK: Adelaide is a very beautiful city. It's a better place to live than anywhere else I've been.
SARAH: But you haven't been anywhere. (to ANNE) Mark hates travelling. I love it.
MARK: I just don't see the point of it.
ANNE: What about you Steve? Do you like to travel?
STEVE: Yes. Yeah, I've been to Kula Lumpur, and to Bali. Bali's great!
LOUISE: I've been to the zoo!
(They laugh. ANNE smiles)
ANNE: You're lucky. I haven't been to the zoo. I'd love to go to the zoo.
STEVE: I'll take you!
(There are raised eyebrows at the table)
]]> (tanchi) Videos Mon, 25 Feb 2013 21:13:35 +0700
- Knock (v): Hit a door, etc. firmly in order to attract attention
- Feel (v): Experience a particular feeling or emotion
-Trip (n): A journey to a place and back again, especially a short one for pleasure or a particular purpose
-Winery (n): A place where wine is made
-Supplier (n): A person or company that supplies goods
-Dye (v): Change the color of something, especially by using a special liquid or substance
-Appointment (n): A formal arrangement to meet or visit somebody at a particular time, especially for a reason connected with their work
-Pick up: Go somewhere in your car and collect somebody who is waiting for you
-Looking forwards to: To be thinking with pleasure about something that is going to happen because you expect to enjoy it.
ANNE and SARAH plan a meeting. SARAH is working at her computer. ANNE knocks at the open door.

SARAH: Come in, Anne.  
ANNE: Good morning!
SARAH: Good morning! Are you feeling better today?
ANNE: Yes, thank you.
SARAH: What’s on the agenda?
ANNE: I’m thinking about this trip to the wineries. I want to meet your main suppliers and talk to them about the market.
SARAH: Right. They’ve been dying to meet you. When do you want to go?
ANNE: As soon as possible. How about tomorrow?
SARAH: I can’t tomorrow. I’ve got some other appointments. What about the day after tomorrow?
ANNE: Yes, that’s good. It’s Monday today, so that will be Wednesday. What date is that?
SARAH: The fifth of November.
ANNE: Okay. What time shall we meet?
SARAH: I’ll pick you up at nine o’clock.
ANNE: Good. How many wineries do you think we’ll be able to see?
SARAH: I’m not sure, four or five. Definitely our biggest suppliers, and maybe a few surprises.
ANNE: I can’t wait. Will it take all day?
SARAH: Most of the day. I’ll start ringing now, and let them know we have a very important client all the way from Singapore.
ANNE: Thank you. I’m looking forward to it.
SARAH: Me, too.
]]> (tanchi) Videos Mon, 25 Feb 2013 14:40:01 +0700
Offer(v/n): to say that you are willing to do sth for sb or to give sth to sb 
Good looking (adj): physically attractive (especially of people)
Smile (v/n): to make a smile appear on sb’s face
Fit(adj): healthy
SARAH offers to help ANNE

SARAH: Can I help you find your brother?
ANNE: You’re very kind. But it’s not your problem.
SARAH: I want to help. What can I do?
ANNE: Well, maybe you could get some copies made of this photograph.
She shows SARAH the PHOTOGRAPH of her brother.
SARAH: Sure. I’d love to. Anything?
She looks closely at the photograph.
SARAH: He’s very good looking.  Such a nice smile.  Is he tall?
ANNE: Fairly tall.
SARAH: He looks very fit. Does he play a lot of sport?
ANNE: No, he used to.
SARAH: What does he do? Is he a student?
ANNE: He’s not really academic. He’s clever, but he prefers to do things with his hands.
SARAH: He sounds nice. I’m looking forward to meeting him.
ANNE smiles at the encouragement.
]]> (tanchi) Videos Mon, 25 Feb 2013 14:31:45 +0700
Change (n): The money that you get back after you pay your bill
Toward(s) (prep): In the direction of
Pretend (v): Try to make something appear to be true or imagine that something is true
Pain (n): Something that hurts you
Back (adj): Farthest away from the front or earlier in time; belonging to the past
Back (adv): Behind
Kid (v): Joke (informal)
Pick up (v): Come and get someone at a certain place and time
ANNE goes to SARAH’s house for lunch and she arrives in a taxi.

TAXI-DRIVER: Here we are.
ANNE: How much is that?
TAXI-DRIVER: That’ll be seventeen-fifty thanks love. (She gives him twenty dollars)
ANNE: Keep the change.
TAXI-DRIVER: Thank you. Have a nice day!
ANNE walks towards the house and knocks. The door is opened by a little girl (LOUISE).
ANNE: Hello. I’m Anne. (Louise turns and runs).
LOUISE: Mummy! (SARAH comes to the door).
SARAH: Come in Anne!
ANNE: What a beautiful house!
SARAH: It’s been a lot of work, but we’re getting there. This is the bathroom. This is my daughter’s bedroom. And here’s the kitchen.
Louise is in the kitchen ‘helping’.
SARAH: Anne’s here. You’ve met my daughter, Louise.
ANNE: Hello Louise.
LOUISE: I’m helping.
ANNE: Yes, I see…
SARAH: And my husband, Mark.
ANNE: Hello again. (Mark pretends to have a pain in the back).
ANNE: Ooh! Sorry about my heavy bag.
MARK: Just kidding.
SARAH: But you haven’t met my little brother. This is Steve.
STEVE: I was going to pick you up this morning. You wouldn’t let me.
ANNE: I’m sorry. I like to find my own way around.
STEVE: No worries. Maybe another  time.
ANNE: Yes, maybe
SARAH: Come on. Let’s go outside.


]]> (tanchi) Videos Mon, 25 Feb 2013 13:53:52 +0700
Businesswoman (n): A woman who is in business.
Naturally (adv): From nature.
Curious (adj): Eager to learn; wanting to know something.
Bunch (n): Fruit that grows in a group; a group of things of the same kind that are fastened together.
Whole (adj): All of something. 
Whole (n): All of something.
ANNE describes her brother to the private investigator.

ANNE: Can you help me?
JOHN: Well I’ll try. Now tell me about your brother Ms Lee. How old is he?
ANNE: He’s twenty-three.
JOHN: Well that would make him your younger brother. What’s his name?
ANNE: David.
JOHN: And what does he do?
ANNE: He’s a student. Or – he was a student. I don’t know where he is.
JOHN (looks at the photo)
Hmmm. How tall is he?
ANNE: About a hundred and seventy-five centimeters.
JOHN: Hmmm. And does he speak English?
ANNE: Yes. He speaks English and Chinese. Mr. Barbour – can you find him?
JOHN: I’ll certainly try. Now, tell me a little about yourself, Miss Lee. Where are you from?
ANNE: I come from Singapore. I’m Singaporean.
JOHN: Right, and how old are you?
ANNE: I’m twenty-five.
JOHN: What do you do?
ANNE: I import wine. I’m a businesswoman. I work in my family’s business.
JOHN: And are you married?
ANNE: No, I’m single.
JOHN: do you have a boyfriend?
ANNE: Pardon?
JOHN: Oh, sorry. We private detectives are a naturally curious bunch. Ms Lee, perhaps you’d better tell the whole story.
ANNE: It all started two years ago.
]]> (tanchi) Videos Mon, 25 Feb 2013 12:59:36 +0700
Smooth (adj): Not rough on the surface; not bumpy
Flavor (n): A particular type of taste
Taste (n):  One of the senses; the ability to feel or recognize something in your mouth
Distract (v): Take your mind off what you are doing
Observe (v): Watch carefully
Roast (n): A large piece of roasted meat 
Unconvincing (adj): Not making you believe that something is true
SARAH invites ANNE to meet her family. SARAH and ANNE taste a sample of wine.

ANNE: Mmm. It’s very smooth. Good flavor, too.
SARAH: It sells well in restaurants here. I think these will sell well in Singapore.
ANNE: The samples you sent me were very popular with our staff. You seem to understand our tastes in Singapore.
SARAH: Thank you. It’s my job to know what my clients like.
                      ANNE seems distracted. SARAH observes her for a moment.
SARAH: So, are you enjoying the city?
ANNE: (unconvincingly). It’s very nice.
SARAH: What are you going to do tomorrow?
ANNE: I don’t know. I’ll probably stay in the hotel and relax.
SARAH: Why don’t you come to lunch with us at home?
ANNE: Oh thank you, but you have your family.
SARAH: Yes, and they want to meet you. We’re going to have roast chicken – traditional Aussie food.
ANNE: Sounds good. Alright, I’ll come.
SARAH: Great.
ANNE: What time?
SARAH: We eat at about one-o-clock. So about twelve - thirty? I’ll show you the house.
ANNE: Okay. Thank you
SARAH: I’ll get my brother to pick you up.
ANNE: No that’s okay. I’ll get a taxi.
SARAH: All right then. That’s settled!
]]> (tanchi) Videos Mon, 25 Feb 2013 06:44:13 +0700
Agree (v): Think that an opinion or plan is correct
Boarder (n): A person staying at a boarding house
Case (n): The way things are. If that is the case, maybe I was wrong; An example of something
ANNE: My brother, David, worked in the family business too. But he didn’t like it. He wanted to try something different.
JOHN: So what happened?
ANNE: My parents agreed. They let him come to Australia to study.
JOHN: Where did he go?
ANNE: He came here, to Adelaide. He studied computer science. We thought he was happy.
JOHN: And then what happened?
ANNE: I don’t know. He wrote every week, and then the letters stopped.
JOHN: Do you know where he lived?
ANNE: He stayed with an Australian family. He was a boarder. Here’s the address.
She passes JOHN a piece of paper.
JOHN: Did you phone them?
ANNE: Yes, of course. He left there a year ago. They don’t know where he went.
JOHN: Does he have a mobile phone?
ANNE: I don’t know. He did, but he doesn’t answer it now.
JOHN: Don’t worry Ms Lee. I’ll find your brother. I’m on the case.
He shakes her hand and she leaves. JOHN looks at the photo. Now he looks worried.
]]> (tanchi) Videos Mon, 25 Feb 2013 06:35:22 +0700
Approach (v): Come near someone or something.
Silver (adj.): Made of silver or the color of silver.
Silver (n): A shiny, white metal that is used for coins, jewelry and other things.
Investigator (n): A person who examines a situation such as an accident or a crime to find out the truth.
Follow (v): Go after.
Direction (n): The general position a person or thing moves or points towards
Hesitantly (adv): To be slow to speak or act because you feel uncertain or nervous)
ANNE is looking for JOHN’s office. A WOMAN is waiting
at a bus stop. ANNE approaches her.
ANNE: Excuse me.
ANNE: Could you tell me how to get to Mitchell Street?
WOMAN: Yes. You’re going the wrong way. You need to go straight along here, past the silver balls, turn left, and it’s the second on the right, opposite the Town Hall.
ANNE: Thank you very much.
WOMAN:  You’re welcome.
ANNE follows the directions. She approaches a shopkeeper.
ANNE:  Excuse me.
ANNE:  I’m looking for number 23. Barbour’s Private Investigator.
SHOPKEEPER:  Over there. Next to the trees.
ANNE: Oh. Thank you
SHOPKEEPER: Good luck. You’ll need it.
ANNE enters the building and goes up the stairs. She knocks at the door.
JOHN: Come in!
ANNE enters and looks around.
JOHN: (to ANNE) Sorry.
(to phone) Yes, any time…yes usual rates. Must go now. Right. Goodbye. Julia. Bye.
He hangs up and leaps to shake ANNE’s hand.

ANNE: Mr. Barbour?
JOHN: John. Private investigator. You must be Ms Lee. Please sit down.
She does so, hesitantly.
JOHN: Now - what can I do for you Ms Lee?
She puts the photo of DAVID on his desk.
ANNE: Could you find him for me?
]]> (tanchi) Videos Mon, 25 Feb 2013 05:50:56 +0700