
Secrets To Learn English effectively of BIET Language Center

If you want to learn English effectively, follow BIET Language Center's secrets in Nha Trang city!

But, firrst, you yourself wonder why you want to learn it. Is it because you want to, or because someone else wants you to? If it is because you want, you can learn it well and effectively. So, to learn English effectively, do the follwing steps at once!

Set learning goals
If you know why you want to study English, setting goals is easy and it is then effective. For example, you want to travel to an English-speaking country. Wonderful! So, your goal must be to learn the most necessary and imporrtant English sentences and must learn them effectively then you can communicate. Whatever your goal is, you must learn it well to meet with what you expect.

Make an effective learning agenda
In order to learn English effectively, you must fix study time for yourself and do it as set. You should not say when I am free, I learn. There will be no effects when saying like this but you must fix how long you need to study concretely and practically. For example, if you make an agenda to work 10 hours per week, do it correctly. And make a plan as follows:
Week 1:
  - Monday: English Alplabets and personal pronouns.
  - Tuesday: The verb To Be with personal pronouns in affirmative forrm.
  - Wednesday: The verb To Be with personal pronouns in negative forrm.
  - Thursday: The verb To Be with personal pronouns in interogative forrm.
  - Friday: Vocabularies and practise speaking with 03 forms of To Be.
  - Saturrday: The articles A and An
  - Sunday: Plural nouns
With such a way, make an agenda for the weeks 2, 3 … and so on.
Start slowly, but study regularly. Use material that is challenging, but not too difficult. Find out what works best for you. After you have studied for a few weeks, adjust your study schedule accordingly. You can learn with friends or alone in a quiet place or with background music, at night or on the bus or on your way to work, … provided that any way which is the most suitable and effective to you is Ok.


Make a commitment with yourself
Learning English effectively requires a lot of motivation and one of the motivations forcing you to study is to make a commitment with yourself.
                                                                 My Learning English Contract
- I, …(your name) …., promise to learn English for a minimum of … (your realistic number) hours per week from …/ …/ 20… to …/ …/ 20…
- My goal is to: (write your goal down here). In order to achieve my goal, I must:
- Learn and drill: Pronunciation for … (your number) … week(s)
- Learn: … (number)… new words per week
- Learn grammar … (which parts of grammar)…
- Write: Email in English everyday …
I will re-evaluate my study sessions and goals and sign a new contract at the end of this period. If I keep to the above program and achieve the above goals I will reward myself with: (write concrete reward)
Signed: … (your signature) …
Witness: … (signature of friend, teacher etc) …
Date: …/ …/20…

Learning English must be fun
The things we do best in life are the things we enjoy doing. If you aren't having fun learning English, you're not studying the right way and effectively! Make up your own rewards to give yourself incentives to stay on task and study a balance of the four key skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing.
Most students want to communicate better in English. If this is one of your goals, it is important to study a balance of the four major skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. These are the main skills you need to communicate in any language. Being very good at only one of these skills will not help you to communicate. For example, you need to be able to read well before you can write well. You also need to be able to listen before you can speak. Think about these communicative skills in two groups.
   • Input:
       - Listening (in through your ears)
       - Reading (in through your eyes)
   • Output:
       - Speaking (out through your mouth)
       - Writing (out through your hands)
It's simple. Think of it this way. First, you have input. Next, you have output. First, you listen to someone ask you a question. Then you speak and give them your answer. First, you read a letter from someone. After that you write back to them. These are examples of communicating.
Input and output don't necessarily go in a specific order. Sometimes you speak first and then you listen. Sometimes you write about something you hear. During communication, the person you are communicating with uses one of the opposite skills. Therefore, in order to understand each other, everyone must be skillful in all four areas.
Some students want to know which skill is the most important. Since all of the skills rely on each other, they are all important. However, to communicate we use some skills more often than others. For example, about 40% of the time that we spend communicating are simply listening. We speak for about 35% of the time. Approximately 16% of communication comes from reading, and about 9% from writing. These statistics are for an average communicator in English. Depending on someone's job or situation, these numbers may vary.
Each of these main skills have micro skills within them. For example, pronunciation is a type of speaking skill that must be practised in order to improve communication. Spelling is a skill that makes understanding the written word easier. Grammar and vocabulary are other micro skills. Micro doesn't mean they are unimportant. Macro skills such as listening are very general, while micro skills are more specific.
For the best results, create an agenda that combines all four areas of study. Allow one type of studying to lead into another. For example, read a story and then talk about it with a friend. Watch a movie and then write about it. This is what teachers in an English class would have you do, right? BIET Lanugage Center in Nha Trang has lessons in all 4 key skills and all minor skills that help you study further and get the most effective results when learning English.

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Add: 50 Nguyen Khuyen Street, Vinh Hai Ward, Nha Trang city.
Tel: 0258 3833 207   Hotline: 0913607081   Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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