International Certificates


If you would like to get TOEIC 650+ for only 30 days to meet with your work, BIET Lanugage Center is the best one for you to choose. In Vietnam, all companies usally require TOEIC certificate when recruiting. Anyone who get TOEIC 650+ will succeed in their lives faster than others because they undertake the high positions such as group leader, department manager in foreign companies or organizations with high salary.
What will you learn from thí course?
  1. American’s standard pronunciation. Our teachers will guide and drill you American English pronunciation basically until you are proficient in it. The TOEIC exam is designed with American voice, so when you are used to American pronunciation you will not find it dificult to do TOEIC exam any more.
   2. Listening skill method. Conprehensive listening of TOEIC listening part is an obsession of Vietnamese TOEIC learners. But please don't worry about this! Our teachers will show you listening method first and drill you listening skill until you can listen comprehensively to easy and simple situations. Then, our teachers guide you the secrets to do the TOEIC listening parts and you practise doing these with many given exams. You will surely conquer TOEIC listening easily.
  3. Vocabularies and Grammar with special subjects. The indispensable part is special subjects and grammar which is regularly seen in TOEIC exam. Teachers will provide you with these fully and in detail so that you can meet with TOEIC Listening and Reading skills. What you should is to learn all our teachers provide and do them with instructions. Therefore, winning TOEIC 650+ is not difficult to you any more. 
  4. Strategies to do the TOEIC test correctly and quickly. This is the most important part. After knowing pronunciation well, owning good vocabularies and grammar, our teachers guide you the secrets to do the test correctly and quickly by showing you the ways to analyze sentences, paragraphs and to choose the most correct ones. So, getting TOEIC 650+ is not far from you any more.
  5. The ways to avoid the distractors. You usually make mistakes such as meaning misunderstanding, misremembering, your own deduction, ...and you, of course, choose the wrong answers. So, our teachers guide you the ways to overcome these during test - doing progress to remember the ways to do it and you gradually avoid distractors.
Winning TOEIC 650+ with BIET Language Center in Nha Trang city for only 30 days! Why not?

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