The Best IELTS Training Center In Nha Trang Is BIET Language Center
Many students have admitted that BIET Language Center in Nha Trang is the best IELTS test preparation center because it has the effective training secrets that help many students get high IELTS scores. So, what do we teach? And what do you learn to get high IELTS scores as you want?
What do we teach?
You will be systematized all knowledge such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabularies, thinking ways to practice speaking English, Listening method as well as listening practices.
You will be systematized all knowledge such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabularies, thinking ways to practice speaking English, Listening method as well as listening practices.
Regarding pronunciation, if you don’t know, you will learn and practice methodically until you pronounce correctly and proficiently. If you have known a little bit of pronunciation but you still have pronouced wrongly, our teachers will correct your pronunciation until you pronounce correctly.
Regarding grammar, you will be fully provided from low to high level, from simple to complex points. You will also be provided vocabularies and guided how to learn and increase your vocabularies effectively so that you have enough vocabualries to meet the 04 skills of IELTS.
And you are taught to use vocabularies and grammar together to think speaking English as much as possible. Vietnamese people don’t usually speak English fluently because they can’t think or do not know how to think although they have good vocabularies and grammar. This is our BIET Language Center’s strength. This is the foundation for you to solve IELTS speaking skill and good English communication.
The itinerary to conquer high IELTS scores
English listening comprehesion is always a difficulty for Vietnamese when learning English. Therefore, our teachers will show you the Listening Method – our exclusive method – and practice it through various listening situations until you listen to well. This is the best foundation for you to listen to the listening sections of IELTS.
What have been mentioned above are the foundation for you to study and practice IELTS and you will also be provided and guided the secrets to practice IELTS by our teachers.
What do you learn to get high IELTS scores as you desire?
You will be told by the teacher what skills IELTS structure consist of, what parts each skill consists of and how long you you them. This gives you an overview of IELTS before going into details of each part.
The material we use is a set of previous test papers. You study and practice directly on those sets to familiarize you with the structure and the ways of doing each part and when you take the IELTS exam, you don’t feel strange and you can do all the pát in the exam easily.
And the most important thing is that you learn the secrets, the tactics of doing each part of each IELTS skill to get high scores. Therefore, our teacher will focus on guiding, analyzing, correcting each skill for you, of course, after you do the test until you are proficient in how to do each part of the 04 IELTS skills.
However, besides good vocabulary and grammar, you must have background knowledge which always requires candidates taking IELTS exam must have to meet IELTS test otherwwise will not be able to do anything. But don’t worry! Our teachers will provide you with background knowledge according to each lesson of 04 skills to help you gain enough knowledge to meet the IELTS test.
Getting high IELTS scores after stuyding and practicing it at BIET Language Center.
With the aforementioned things, we are sure that you will succeed in IELTS exam if you study and practice IELTS with our experienced and enthusiastic teacher team of BIET Language Center. You can study instant IELTS alone or you can study it with a group or a class.
Do not hesitate to register for the course and prepare for the IELTS exam to get high scores here!
BIET Language Center
Add: 50 Nguyen Khuyen Street, Vinh Hai Ward, Nha Trang city.
Tel: 0258 3833 207 Hotline: 0913607081 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Online Learning:
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