Khanh Thy Can Speak English Like This After 06 Months Of Learning At BIET Language Center
Khanh Thy can introduce herself in English after six months of studying at BIET Lanugage Center in Nha Trang city.
Do you, all esteemed parents, want your children to be like this ? If so, take your children to BIET Language Center in Nha Trang ! Our teacher team is going to help your children listen to and speak English fluently in the shortest time.
BIET Language Center
Add: 50 Nguyen Khuyen Street, Vinh Hai Ward, Nha Trang city.
Tel: 0258 3833 207 Hotline: 0913607081 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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