A good manager always has a deep sight and ability to connect it with ideas. He (she) must be a reformer but he(she) doesn’t resist the changes. He (she) also has desire, becomes different and is ready to accept failure. 

Management is a working process with and through individuals, groups and other human resource. Management is challenged and estimated by achieved targets, by mean of organizing and implementing different skills.
To obtain this, first, the manager must have the fixed knowledge about law and tax system in business, marketing, enterprise finance, assembly line, technology,…. This is the prerequisite requirement because it connects closely with effect of decision - making process. Besides, a talent manager must have other necessary skills.

The “PRFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT” course is designed by Brain International Education and Training Limited Company - BIET with 3 levels for any staff who wants to be a manager or for any manger who wants to become a professional Manager.
* Our aim:
After the course, students will know:
  - Principles and method of Management such as yourself management, time management, Human Resources, finance, Marketing, Strategy, Tax Law, Assembly Line,…. from beginning to advanced.
  - Human being’s psychology and communication skill, encouragement skill, reprimand,…
  - Teamwork and the skill of contacting other people.
  - Defining and Planning Management effectively.
  - Building a professional working method.
* Teaching Method:
  - Active-Learning Method. It means that student is center of gravity and we help all students approach and solve problems practically. Students are encouraged to contact their activities concretely to discover the matters that have existed and share them with other students as vivid-illustrated examples. Besides, as an instructor and supporter, the trainer applies the “Interactive Method” such as teamwork to help students receive new skills and apply exercises so that they plan their own action after the course.
* Participants:
  - Staffs and leaders of lines and sections.
  - Other managers of Departments.
  - Directors and Vice Directors.
* Course length:  10 periods = 30hours (Level 1).
                               10 periods = 30 hours (Level 2).
                               15 periods = 45 hours (Level 3).
* Trainer: MA Lanh Van Le and MA Ty Van Nguyen
* Tuition fee:  1.800.000 (Level 1)
                        2.000.000 (Level 2)
                        2.500.000 (Level 3)
* Attention: We serve soft drinks and fast food.





Time limit







Knowing yourself

1. Knowing yourself when you are a staff or a section manager

* What is “Knowing yourself”?

* How to realize the latent ability of “self”?

* How is your work effectiveness at workplace?

* Managing and developing yourself.



2 hours

2. Learning as tools to present any problems.

* What is “Gap”? (Gap of studying, ability, information and development,….)

* What must you do to adjust those “Gaps”?

* What is your action to develop yourself?



2 hours

3. Balancing life and Improving it effectively.

* What is the relationship between your thinking and sentiment at workplace?

* What is the relationship between your sentiment and working attitude

    at workplace?

* How to improve your thinking and sentiment at workplace?


2 hours






Work Effectiveness and tools for working

1. KAIZEN concept and its principles.

* What is KAIZEN?

* The concept of “Total Quality Management “– TQM and its history

    – 7 elements of TQM Concept.

* Managing the process of TQM.

* The Circle of  Quality Control – QC and  5S

* Total Productive Maintenance – TPM

* Deminishing th waste.

* The relationship between TQM and TPM





3 hours

2. Working tools – Productive process improvement – problems solution.

* What do you know about KAIZEN?

* How to improve productive activities and productivity with KAIZEN?

* KAIZEN’ benefits in solving troubles?



3 hours








How to train effectively and holding workshops

1. Training

* What is the trainer’s role and function?

* The training’s benefits?


1 hour

2. Training’s skills and tools

* Effective communication skill.

* Supervision and consultancy Skill.

* Teamwork Skill.

* Work estimation and checking skill

* Feedback Skill.

* Time Management Skill.

* “Asking and Answering” Skill.

* 4P Principle to support staffs in solving problems.

* A.D.A.C Principle to train staffs new items and working skills.






5 hours





Presentation is Promotion

1. Presentation Skill

* What is “Presentation Skill”?

* Its meaning and benefit?

* Its Structure?

* Analyzing audiences’ psychology.

* Encouragement and communication psychology.




3 hours

2. Tools and means for presentation

* Tools: Projector, materials and other equipment.

* Body Language.

* Audiovisual teaching aids.

* Practising “Presentation”.



3 hours






Psychology in supervising teamwork

1. Supervision

* What is “Supervision”?

* Role and duty of a Supervisor?

* Necessary skills a supervision should have and care: Interpersonal correlation,

   information, decision, analysis, synthetising and Human Being’s

    psychology influences their awareness,….




3 hours

2. How to change human being’s behaviour and awareness?

* Knowing well character, thinking, sentiment, hobby, family culture,…..of

   each person.

* Knowing well general notion about psychology influencing human being.

* Instructing to change their thinking, behaviour and feelings slowly, reanably

   and effectively.

* How to maintain and uphold their good behaviour?




3 hours





Time limit







The concept of Business Administration

1. The overall of Business Administration

* What is “Business Administration”?

* Business Administration in 21st century and its changes.

* Business Environment.

* Business Administration Skill.

* Corporate Strategy Plan – CSP

* Business Strategy Plan – BSP.

* Function Strategy Plan – FSP.

* The correlation of CSP, BSP and FSP

* Business support.

* Typical organizations and its structures.






5 hours

2. Applying

* Organizing skill applied from small scale to bigger one, personal to team.

* How to propagate those for individuals and teams or groups so that they can

   apply them well into their working enviroment effectively.

* Controling solutions and how to achieve targets?



4 hours




Disposing Objective

1. What is “Objective Disposition” ?

2. The meaning of “Objective Disposition”.

3. The purpose of “Objective Disposition”

4. The measures for Objective Disposition.

5. The difference between “Planning” and “Objective Disposition”.

6. How to dispose it and get objective?




4 hours









The Plan of Sales and Marketing

1. Basis concept of Sales and Marketing

* What is Sales? What is Marketing?

* Traditional Sales and Marketing.

* Modern Sales and Marketing: its beginning and development of Marketing,

    Society orientation, product orientation, strategy orientation, the method for

    using the strategy of Sales và Marketing.

* Analyzing environment: Objective, market fragment, place, and customer’s


* The principles of Sales & Marketing: P.D.C.A and 4P

* Analyzing benefits and loss.






5 hours

2. Realizing customer’s attitude and deploying the Marketing strategy

* How to understand your customers?

* Enquiring age, sex and customer’s income.

* Determining competitors directly and inderectly.

* Delploying the principles of Sales and Marketing according to 4P



4 hours

3. Tools and factors for Sales and Marketing

* Materials, brochures, price list, sample product,......

* Distribution Chanels and agents.

* Customers Management and Service.



2 hours






How to present to be approved

1. Presentation Skill

* What is “Presentation”?

* The meaning and benefit of Presentation.

* Presentation Structure.

* Analyzing audience’s psychology.

* Encouragement and communication psychology.




3 hours

2. The effect of presentation

* The useful purpose of presentation.

* The difference between “Public Speaking” and “Presentation”

* Presenting to get objective.

* That is a control manager.

* That is the effective – visual factor.

* It is a process of good learning.




3 hours





Time limit

Vietnam and world’s Economy

1. Vietnam’s Economy at present.

2. World’s Economy at present.

3. How do Vietnam and World’s Economy influence your company?


3 hours


Global Business Administration

1. The concept “International Trade”

2. World Market Competition.

3. How to succeed in global business background.

4. International trade principles and reality on market.



3 hours

Investment Law and its principles in Vietnam

1. Investment Law.

2. Investment Tax.

3. Investment Procedure.

4. Investment Plan.



6 hours



Global Trade

1. Global Trade in Vietnam.

2. Global Trade System.

3. Global Trade problems.

4. Holding talks about Global Trade.

5. The meaning of Global Trade.


7. Economic Cooperation strategy of neighbouring countries.




3 hours


Superior negotiation about Global Trade

Overall: Holding talks according to Reality

1. How to succeed in holding talks according to WIN – WIN principles?

2. The factors in holding talks.

3. The Skills in holding talks.

4. The cooperation between economic sectors “commonly” and “privately”.

5. Role of “Lobby”.




6 hours



Finance knowledge for Management Board

1. The principles of Finacial Management.

2. Financial Analysis.

3. Planning for finance.

4. Cashflow.

5. Managing capital and property.

6. Managing capital to make more benefit and to invest.




4 hours



Risk Management of enterprise

1. The meaning of “Risk Management”

2. Cause and category of “Risk”.

3. The process of “Risk Management”.

4. Tools of “Risk Management”.

5. The practice of “Risk Management”.

6. Applying of “Risk Management”.




6 hours




Innovating the administration of Human Resource

1. The challenges of Organizing.

2. Changing working environment.

3. The concept of “Generations”.

4. The Leader’s behaviour and ability.

5. Administrating Human Resource with modern method.

6. Strategy partners, changing partners, administrators,….

7. Organization chart.

8. Workshop.





4 hours




Logistics and Assembly Line

1. The concept of Assembly Line.

2. The purpose of Assembly Line.

3. The strategy of Assembly Line.

4. The technique and tools for Assembly Line.

5. Analyzing Assembly Line.

6. Analyzing problems and failure.

7. The benefit of Assembly Line.

8. The conclusion of Assembly Line.

9. How to manage Assembly Line effectively?






4 hours



Solving problems by analyzing and making decisions

1. How to succeed?

2. The meaning of “Thinking – Belief – Unfairness”.

3. Emotion and logic thinking.

4. Thinking by analyzing.

5. Solving problems.

6. Thinking according to System.

7. Making decisions.

8. Solving problems to make more chances.




6 hours


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                  0258. 3833207


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