Smooth (adj): Not rough on the surface; not bumpy
Flavor (n): A particular type of taste
Taste (n):  One of the senses; the ability to feel or recognize something in your mouth
Distract (v): Take your mind off what you are doing
Observe (v): Watch carefully
Roast (n): A large piece of roasted meat 
Unconvincing (adj): Not making you believe that something is true
SARAH invites ANNE to meet her family. SARAH and ANNE taste a sample of wine.

ANNE: Mmm. It’s very smooth. Good flavor, too.
SARAH: It sells well in restaurants here. I think these will sell well in Singapore.
ANNE: The samples you sent me were very popular with our staff. You seem to understand our tastes in Singapore.
SARAH: Thank you. It’s my job to know what my clients like.
                      ANNE seems distracted. SARAH observes her for a moment.
SARAH: So, are you enjoying the city?
ANNE: (unconvincingly). It’s very nice.
SARAH: What are you going to do tomorrow?
ANNE: I don’t know. I’ll probably stay in the hotel and relax.
SARAH: Why don’t you come to lunch with us at home?
ANNE: Oh thank you, but you have your family.
SARAH: Yes, and they want to meet you. We’re going to have roast chicken – traditional Aussie food.
ANNE: Sounds good. Alright, I’ll come.
SARAH: Great.
ANNE: What time?
SARAH: We eat at about one-o-clock. So about twelve - thirty? I’ll show you the house.
ANNE: Okay. Thank you
SARAH: I’ll get my brother to pick you up.
ANNE: No that’s okay. I’ll get a taxi.
SARAH: All right then. That’s settled!

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